It is the policy of Ground Work Play Therapy, Inc. to commit to corporate responsibility through the implementation of and adherence to the following Ethical Codes of Conduct. These codes represent GWPT’s ethical and social values and guide GWPT and its personnel towards consistently ethical services.
GWPT will utilize the Corporate Compliance Officer (duties described in GWPT Policy 1.A.7) to ensure that it conducts business in an ethical manner and ensure that any business practices that are questionable are thoroughly investigated.
The following practices shall all comply with local state, and federal law:
- Financial;
- Personnel;
- Information Technology;
Personnel involved in coding, billing, documentation, and accounting for client services will comply with all applicable state and federal laws and organizational policies and procedures.
Billing for services rendered shall seek only the amount to which the organization is entitled as described in GWPT’s fee schedule section of the client handbook.
Supporting clinical documentation will be completed for all services rendered and billed. If the appropriate and required documentation has not been provided, then the service will not be billed.
GWPT will:
- Conduct marketing practices in an honest manner. Marketing materials will in no way mislead the public or misrepresent GWPT’s services.
- Claim service outcomes only when represented by valid outcome data or supported by internal or external research studies.
- Not offer monetary rewards or gifts to any potential client to entice them to enter programs.
Contractual Relationships
As part of standard business practices, GWPT may enter contracts for appropriate goods and services. Contracts will be executed on behalf of GWPT by the Executive Director or designee. The contract will clearly establish the nature of services to be performed, the period of the agreement, the conditions under which the contract will be reviewed, renewed, and/or terminated and venue for addressing perceived breaches of the contract (if applicable), financial arrangements, necessary accounting procedures for revenue and expenditures, and Federal and State requirements are adequately addressed within the scope of the contract (if applicable).
Service Delivery
All employees are expected to protect and respect the integrity of the welfare of the person or group with whom the employee is working.
Counselors will discharge clients when it is in the best interest of the client or refer the client to another program, service, counselor, or agency.
Personnel demonstrate a genuine interest in all clients and dedicate themselves to the best interest of the client.
Only personnel designated as such by the Executive Director may witness documents as representative of Ground Work Play Therapy.
The exchange of gifts, money, or gratuities is prohibited in the process of service delivery. All such exchanges are to be authorized by the Executive Director and documented and stored in both the client’s and employee’s files.
Personal fundraising by personnel, such as selling cookies or candy for a child’s school or other program is at the discretion of the Executive Director, and solicitation from persons served is prohibited.
Personnel will respect and safeguard personal property of persons served, visitors, other personnel, and property owned by the organization.
Use of Social Media
Clinical and administrative personnel are expected to maintain appropriate behavior when using social media platforms in a public way. Employees are a representative of the organization and may damage our reputation with inappropriate public behaviors and statements.
Personnel possess freedoms of speech and expression, but posts or comments of an insensitive, defamatory, or hateful nature may taint the organization’s reputation and therefore require resolution from a perspective of risk management.
Failing to remain appropriate during use of social media may result in punishment up to and including dismissal.
Conflicts of Interest
Personnel will not engage in outside professional mental health services that are incompatible or in conflict with job duties within the organization.
Personnel will not engage in coercive solicitation of coworkers or clients such as seeking donations, encouraging purchases, or taking a position on an issue outside the workplace. Individuals receiving unwanted solicitations are encouraged to address the issue with their coworker and/or report the matter to their supervisor.
Personnel are not prohibited from using private property in the provision of services, but property acquired through donation or purchase from clients, their families, or entities with interests conflicting with GWPT will be subject to approval from the Executive Director.
Professional Responsibilities
All employees are expected to maintain a professional relationship with clients and others participating in services. Sexual advances or any sexual activity of any kind with clients, service recipients, or their families is not permitted.
All employees are expected to present themselves in a professional manner. Unprofessional attire will not be tolerated.
All employees are expected to maintain absolute confidentiality of client information and to abide by all applicable federal, state, and local laws which address issues of privacy, health information, or confidentiality of records.
Professional service providers are expected to function within the scope of their licensure or certification, and in accordance with any specific areas of competence or other such declarations defined through their licensing or certifying authority.
Clinical personnel are to take care that records for services rendered:
- Present a true and accurate representation of what services were provided.
- Are appropriately dated, accurately reflecting the content of services and provide precise time spent in rendering the service.
- Indicate the name(s) of the provider and/or supervisor responsible for the provision or supervision of the services.
- Are complete and accurately billed in a timely manner.
Human Resources
All employees are expected to refrain from any discrimination based on race, ethnicity, age, color, religion, creed, gender, nation of origin, sexual orientation, veteran status, financial condition, handicap, developmental disability, and HIV- or AIDS- related conditions.
All employees are expected to act in accordance with agency policies and procedures, and other personnel directives established by the Executive Director. Inciting others through false statements, rumors or malicious gossip, willful falsification of records, unauthorized absenteeism, tardiness, theft or embezzlement, or other waste or abuse of materials, property, equipment, or working time are not permitted.
Waste, Fraud, Abuse, and other Wrongdoing
Waste of GWPT materials, property, rented property, managed property, or other resources associated with or provided under the authority of GWPT is strictly prohibited.
Fraudulent requests for resources are strictly prohibited. This includes IPS session data, timesheets, payroll reports, mileage reimbursement requests, or any other use of GWPT funds and resources. Fraudulently demanding or using these resources is strictly prohibited.
Abuse of GWPT resources is strictly prohibited.
Other unethical use, misuse, or acquisition of GWPT resources, funds, or materials is strictly prohibited.